New Blog Site

I have started an entirely new site for the 100 day experiment. Subscribe to to get 100 days of inspiration. GOD IS ALIVE!

God Is Alive::Intro

This is the introduction to my 100 day blog experiment. I will be talking about how God is active in our lives. The fun starts Monday, June 25th

I love magic!

This is a really awesome video by a fellow magician. Alan is super creative and I just love this clip. I hope you enjoy.

Tyler’s Graduation

I have been meaning to post this clip for a few days now, but I had an extremely busy weekend. Here is a clip of Tyler getting his name called to walk across the stage and receive his diploma. Congratulations Tyler!

Dinner with the Family


Today Jesalyn and I went to dinner with my parents and my grandparents. We had a nice dinner at Ruby Tuesday’s. Nanny and Poppy brought the clothes that dad and I were brought home from the hospital in and some old overalls that were my dad’s. Jesalyn had a great meal and the waiter even brought us free cupcakes to celebrate. That was probably Jesalyn’s favorite part.


On the way home we stopped by my other grandmother’s house. It was a great day. It made it even better because we brought home a fresh baked pound cake and a couple jars of nanny’s pickles from Nanny. It didn’t take long for me to put a slice of pound cake in a tall glass of milk when I got home.

image Tomorrow will be a long, but fun day. We have our next Movies in the Park and as long as it doesn’t rain I will be out there all day. It’s time to get some sleep.

Beautiful Day on Campus



I actually enjoy being on campus on days like this. Summer classes are kind of depressing, but when you have time to chill out and enjoy the campus, it’s kind of nice.

A little card trick

I haven’t posted any magic in a while so I thought I would post this video did a month or so ago. Enjoy

Half Way to Leo’s Grand Entrance


Michael Leonard

We are almost there. October is fast approaching and I can’t wait.Michael Leonard Davenport will make his grand entrance into the world this fall. Jesalyn and I are so excited!!!

To reveal the sex to my family I took a trip to see my Great Aunt Blanche. She has never had kids and always treated my dad like he was her son. Her health is decreasing and she told everyone she just wanted to know the sex in case she didn’t live to see the baby being born. Not only did she know, but she got the privilege of calling everyone else in the family and telling them.

We are about half way through the pregnancy and Jesalyn has been experiencing some crazy effects. She has started loving pickles and Mexican food. She still gets sick with certain smells and even some sounds. She eats constantly and gets hungry at crazy times. Having a pregnant woman in the house is fun and exhausting. I can’t wait to see how fun and exhausting having a baby in the house will be.

Grandma Blanton’s 80th Birthday


Last weekend we went to Wilmington to celebrate Jesalyn’s grandma’s 80th birthday. All of her dad’s side of the family came into town and stayed for the weekend. It was a great celebration and a rare occasion to have everyone there. We had the official party on Saturday night and Elvis made a surprise visit. Jesalyn’s dad broke out his old Elvis costume and surprised everyone. Check out the video of Bob as Elvis and try not to laugh.

Back to blogging

I took some time off from blogging. I had three writing intensive courses last semester. I wrote more than I wanted to write in my entire life. Now that it is over, I’m ready to start blogging again. With the world premier of our baby coming in the fall, I figured its the perfect time. I can’t wait to be the doting father that posts every second of his son’s life online. So here is a recap of the last several months of my life…


1. Jesalyn is pregnant… with my baby!

2. I finished my last core classes I need to graduate, but I have a few more hours to take before finishing.

3. I won a free trip to NYC and we took a 10 day trip to the city for my spring break.

With the exception of school, church, and magic, that’s about it. Now that you are caught up, be looking for more posts to be coming in the future.