Blog Archives

Back to blogging

I took some time off from blogging. I had three writing intensive courses last semester. I wrote more than I wanted to write in my entire life. Now that it is over, I’m ready to start blogging again. With the world premier of our baby coming in the fall, I figured its the perfect time. I can’t wait to be the doting father that posts every second of his son’s life online. So here is a recap of the last several months of my life…


1. Jesalyn is pregnant… with my baby!

2. I finished my last core classes I need to graduate, but I have a few more hours to take before finishing.

3. I won a free trip to NYC and we took a 10 day trip to the city for my spring break.

With the exception of school, church, and magic, that’s about it. Now that you are caught up, be looking for more posts to be coming in the future.


Mmmmmmm, ketchup…

For the last half a year or so we have been living, breathing, and enjoying life. I have been using my love for magic as my creative outlet and now I think it’s time to blog a bit. I have taken some time off classes and been working a lot. My mind is ready to earn a few wrinkles. Look forward to some upcoming blogs…